Per-Arvid Wold

Per-Arvid Wold
Faggruppe for natur, miljø og helse | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
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Første resultater fra prosjektet FOOD4kids, bærekraft gjennom matkunnskap i barnehagen
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FOOD4kids: Bærekraft gjennom matkunnskap i barnehagen
Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutions
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Food and meals in early childhood education in Sweden, Norway and Italy: a comparison of national curricula and guidelines
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Betraktninger rundt utforsking av fenomenet lyd i NHB-undervisningen på BLU
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Preschool children´s knowledge about and attitude towards wild animal species
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En case-studie på studenters erfaringer og perspektiver på betydningen av klassemiljø ved barnehagelærerutdanningen.
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Barnehagebarns kunnskap om arter og natur
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Noen resultater fra spørreundersøkelsen om mat i Granåsen barnehagen
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Norske og Italienske barnehagelærerstudenters kunnskap om solsystemet
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Knowledge of the Solar System in Teacher Education Students
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Scientific literacy for fremtidens medborgere
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Bioavailability and toxicity of dispersed oil to developing fish embryos.
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Experimental system for exposure of pelagic fish eggs to crude oil dispersions
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Dypdykk - Garantert Napp!
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
"I en dråpe vann". Utstilling og show om plankton ved arrangementet Researcher's Night 2013, NTNU, under Forskningsdagene 2013
Biochemical, histological and molecular study of digestive tract development in European eel larvae (Anguilla anguilla) prior to exogenous feeding
The digestive system of the ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta)
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Effects of live feed quality on functional development of Atlantic cod and Ballan wrasse larvae
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tartfôring av torsk og berggylt med intensivt produserte copepoder. 2. Effekter av levendefôrkvalitet på fiskens funksjonelle utvikling
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Membrane filtration in RAS - effect on bacterial communities
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Water quality control in RAS by membrane bioreactor (MBR) filtration
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Reduction of colloidal particles in rearing of cod larvae in recirculating aquaculture system applying a membrane bioreactor
Membrane filtration in RAS – effects on tank bacterial communities
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Membrane filtration for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
"Integrated biofilmmembrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) in RAS". Faktaark for NTNU/SINTEFs stand under akvakulturmessen Aqua Nor 2011
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
"I en dråpe vann". Utstilling og show om plankton ved arrangementet Researcher's Night 2011, NTNU, under Forskningsdagene 2011
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Effects of live feed quality on cod (Gadus morhua L.) larval digestive and muscle morphology, body shape, feeding activity, deformities, and stress response
Reduction of colloidal and fine particle fractions in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) by an integrated biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) system
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Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae
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Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae
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Functional development of the digestive system in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae
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Influence of dietary phospholipids on early ontogenesis of fish
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Cod (Gadus morhua L.) functional larval development – what are the important variables?
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Effect of different phospholipid sources and levels in formulated diets on growth, survival and digestive enzyme responses in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.)
Nutritional condition affecting digestive organ and skeletal development in Atlantic cod larvae
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Acceptance of a formulated moist diet based on copepods in early weaning of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae - a pilot study
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knowledge on the structure of the solar system in teacher education students: the role of national context and gender
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Norwegian preschool children´s knowledge about some common wild animal species and their habitats
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Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with host genetics in the Norwegian Lundehund
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Children’s knowledge about the origins of food in early childhood education and care institutions (ECEC) in Norway
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The impact of exposure timing on embryo mortality and the partitioning of PAHs when cod eggs are exposed to dispersed and dissolved crude oil
The digestive system of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta), a marine agastric carnivorous teleost
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Kindergarten Teacher Students’ Knowledge Regarding Crucial Environmental Challenges
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Species Identification Skills in Teacher Education Students: The Role of Attitude, Context and Experience
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Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms
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Norwegian Kindergarten Children’s Knowledge about the Environmental Component of Sustainable Development
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Developmental effects in fish embryos exposed to oil dispersions – the impact of crude oil micro-droplets
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Allometric growth and development of organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767) larvae in relation to different live prey diets and growth rates
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Effect of cultivated copepods (Acartia tonsa) in first-feeding of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae
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The digestive system of juvenile ballan wrasse
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Functional development of ballan wrasse & effects of start feed quality
Particle characterization and influence on the nauplii and egg production of calanoid copepod (Acartia tonsa Dana) in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
Microbial characterization and influence on copepod (Acartia tonsa) nauplii and egg production in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
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Assessment of a biofilm reactor coupled with membrane filtration for increased ammonia conversion, and reduced particle and nitrogen concentration in marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
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Effects of membrane filtration on bacterial number and microbial diversity in marine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) production
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Membrane performance and fouling behavior of membrane bioreactors installed in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
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Intensive rearing of cod larvae (Gadus morhua) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) implementing a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for enhanced colloidal particle and fine suspended solids removal
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Integrated membrane bioreactor for water quality control in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
The effect of different live feed on the early growth and development of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767) larvae and its organs
Membranfiltrering som en del av vannbehandlingen i resirkuleringsanlegg
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Molecular ontogenesis of digestive capability and associated endocrine control in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae
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Effects of early weaning strategies on growth, survival and digestive enzyme activities in cobia (Rachycentron canadum L.) larvae
Functional development of the digestive system in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Influence of dietary phospholipids on early ontogenesis of fish
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Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids: effects on gut, liver and pancreas histology in Atlantic cod (Gadus morha L.) larvae
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Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids on skeletal development and fatty acid composition in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
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Allometric growth and functional development of the gut in developing cod Gadus morhua L. larvae
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Phospholipids vs. neutral lipids: Effects on digestive enzymes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae
Functional development and response to dietary treatment in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) - Focus on formulated diets and early weaning
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Egg quality and endoparasitic infection in eggs of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua L
Research projects
Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutions (FOOD4kids)
Gut microbiome and genetic diversity in Norwegian Lundehund
5-6 åringers kunnskap og holdninger om naturmangfold
Vitenskapelig kompetanse hos barnehagelærerstudentene
5-6 åringers kunnskap om helse og miljø
Tarmflora hos barn i barnehager med forskjellig fokus på uteaktivitet og dyrehold