Accessing your curriculum
The library at DMMH have at least one copy of all curriculum books available for loan.
You can always check if the book is available through your reading list (Leganto) and which shelf you will find it on. Click on "Available from Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole" in your reading list. Curriculum books are placed together with the other books in the library.
Curriculum books can only be loaned for 2 weeks at a time.

Online articles
Links to articles are available in your reading list in Leganto when you're using DMMH's wireless network, or a VPN.
Click "view online" to view the article.
Click here to download a VPN.

Digitized book excerpt
Some exceprts will be digitzied and can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF. These will be labeled "Digitalisert" in your reading list. Note that you must be logged in to Leganto to view/download digitized files.
Click View PDF/Download to view the file.

If you are unable to access digitized excerpts, please contact the library.