Hilde Bremseth Bårdstu
Hilde Bremseth Bårdstu
Cristin ID
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Trening i overgangsalderen
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Det er aldri for sent for (styrke) trening! Trening for livet.
Faglig foredrag
Fysisk aktivitet for eldre - å legge liv til årene
Comparison of accelerometer cut-points for estimating physical activity in frail older adults
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Sammenhengen mellom muskelstyrke og fysisk funksjon hos eldre med og uten hjelpemiddel
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Muscle Strength Is Associated With Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Receiving Home Care. A Cross-Sectional Study
Vitenskapelig artikkel
A Machine Learning Classifier for Detection of Physical Activity Types and Postures During Free-Living
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Harth: A human activity recognition dataset for machine learning
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Physical activity level following resistance training in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: Results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Erratum: Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17 (11) DOI: 10.1186/s11556-020-00243-9)
Det er aldri for sent med styrketrening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
Vitenskapelig artikkel
The short and long-term effects of resistance training with different stability requirements
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Properties, Physical Function, and Physical Activity among Frail Older People: A Pilot Study
Detection of physical activitt types with accelerometers in adolescents during semi-structured free-living