Anna Maria Billing

Anna Maria Billing
Faggruppe for natur, miljø og helse | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
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Første resultater fra prosjektet FOOD4kids, bærekraft gjennom matkunnskap i barnehagen
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FOOD4kids: Bærekraft gjennom matkunnskap i barnehagen
Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutions
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Food and meals in early childhood education in Sweden, Norway and Italy: a comparison of national curricula and guidelines
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Preschool children´s knowledge about and attitude towards wild animal species
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Barnehagebarns kunnskap om arter og natur
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Noen resultater fra spørreundersøkelsen om mat i Granåsen barnehagen
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Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation
Inbreeding depression in house sparrows
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Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation
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Inbreeding depression in island populations of house sparrows
Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows
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Inbreeding depression in Lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows
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Genomics of inbreeding depression in house sparrows
Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows
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Mapping of genes for fitness-related traits in house sparrows
Insights into the genetic architecture of phenotypic traits in house sparrows
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Mapping of genes for fitness-related morphology in house sparrows
Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fitness-related morphology in the house sparrow
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Mapping of QTL for morphology in house sparrows
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Development and use of genomic tools to understand evolutionary dynamics of natural bird populations
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Can we learn anything about evolution and genetics from studies of house sparrows?
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Consequences of dispersal in house sparrows, and a glimpse of on-going work on house sparrow genomics
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Development and use of genomic tools to understand evolutionary dynamics of natural bird populations
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Using genomic tools to understand eco-evolutionary dynamics of natural bird populations
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Using genomic tools to understand eco-evolutionary dynamics of natural bird populations
Spatio-temporal dynamics of genetic variation and effective population size in fragmented house sparrow populations
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"Experimental evolution" and high-density SNP-genotyping in house sparrows
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Kan grĂĄspurven hjelpe oss med ĂĄ bevare trua arter?
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Using high-density SNP-genotyping to study short-term evolution in house sparrows
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Using high-density SNP data to understand the genetics of inbreeding depression in the wild
Inbreeding depression but not inbreeding avoidance in a house sparrow population
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Causes and consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation
Genetic variation and inbreeding in an insular house sparrow metapopulation
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Food availability affects mate choice in a pipefish
Measuring geneting mating systems and sexual selection in a sex role reversed pipefish
Effects of sex ratio on mating behaviour in a pipefish
Reproductive trade-off in a sex role reversed pipefish
Does population size matter in captive breeding?
Reproductive trade-offs in male pipefish (Syngnathus typhle)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knowledge on the structure of the solar system in teacher education students: the role of national context and gender
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Norwegian preschool children´s knowledge about some common wild animal species and their habitats
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Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with host genetics in the Norwegian Lundehund
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Species Identification Skills in Teacher Education Students: The Role of Attitude, Context and Experience
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Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms
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Consistent scaling of inbreeding depression in space and time in a house sparrow metapopulation
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Multi‑generational genetic consequences of reinforcement in a bird metapopulation
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A genome-wide linkage map for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) provides insights into the evolutionary history of the avian genome
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Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species
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Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments
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The easy road to genome-wide medium density SNP screening in a non-model species: development and application of a 10K SNP-chip for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
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The operational sex ratio and density influence spatial relationships between breeding pipefish
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Evidence of inbreeding depression but not inbreeding avoidance in a natural house sparrow population
The genetic basis of response to selection and inbreeding depression in natural bird populations - insight from genomics analyses
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No terminal investment in pipefish males: only young males exhibit risk-prone courtship behavior
Reproductive decisions in the sex role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle: when and how to invest in reproduction
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Butyl Benzyl Pfthalate Affects Shoaling Behavior and Bottom-Dwelling Behavior in Threespine Stickleback
Low concentration of butyl benzyl phthalate does not have persistent effects on the behaviour of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)